What is the CDC Eviction Moratorium?

The CDC announced   that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will issue a limited eviction moratorium – starting August 3, 2021 through October 3, 2021 – for renters living in communities experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases!

This Order is a temporary eviction moratorium to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. This Order does not relieve any individual of any obligation to pay rent, make a housing payment, or comply with any other obligation that the individual may have under a tenancy, lease, or similar contract. Nothing in this Order precludes the charging or collecting of fees, penalties, or interest as a result of the failure to pay rent or other housing payment on a timely basis, under the terms of any applicable contract.

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The new moratorium:

  • Covers all renters living in communities experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases, an estimated 90% of all renters; and
  • Protects renters for up to two months, through October 3.

To determine if you are currently living in a community experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases, please click this link https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#county-view. The counties in Orange are considered communities with substantial COVID-19 cases and are covered under the moratorium.

How does the CDC`s order work?

To invoke the CDC’s order, an individual must provide a signed copy of the CDC Declaration form to their landlord, owner of the residential property where they live, or other person who has a right to have them evicted or removed from where they live. An individual should keep a copy for their records. Each adult listed on the lease, rental agreement, or housing contract should likewise complete and provide a declaration. Unless the CDC order is extended, changed, or ended, the order prevents these persons from being evicted or removed from where they are living through October 3, 2021. These persons are still required to pay rent and follow all the other terms of their lease and rules of the place where they live. These persons may also still be evicted for reasons other than not paying rent.

Steps to submit the declaration form:

  1. Read the declaration
  2.  Sign the declaration- when you sign this document you are signing under penalty of perjury. Please make sure all the statements are truthful and apply to your household.
  3. Make a copy of your signed document-
    1. Keep one copy for your records
    2. Give the second copy to your landlord

Your landlord should not evict you after the submission of the declaration form. If your landlord continues to take the necessary steps to evict you within the municipal court, take a copy of the signed declaration with you to provide to the judge. Each municipality is handling eviction cases differently.

If you have any questions, concerns or need assistance submitting the CDC Declaration to your housing provider please do not hesitate to contact one of our housing counselors at (440)392-0147.

For more information and guidance regarding the CDC`s order you may visit their website at  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-eviction-declaration.html .

This information was provided by the CDC expires on October 3, 2021.